Default Setup File with Comments
MyIKEv2 setup explained
MyIKEv2 uses a YAML file as the setup file for all its configurations; A default setup file could be generated via command “myikev2 default”;
Following is the default setup file with comments describe each option:
# This is a test setup file with default value for MyIKEv2, it is in YAML;
# see comment on top of each option for description
# note: some parameters are only applied to a specific role, as specified in comments;
# without it, it means the parameter apply to both roles
# role of the MyIKEv2
# client: tunnel initiator
# gateway: tunnel responder
role: client
# The description of the test setup, displayed at the beggging of test
desc: ""
# the duration of the test will run for
# the format is like 2h (2 hours),3m (3 minutes),5s (5 seconds)
# zero means test will run forever (10 years)
runningtime: 0s
# client role: the number of tunnels MyIKEv2 will try to create
# gateway role: the number of tunnel expect peer to create
numberoftunnels: 10
# log level: file log level;
# note: this is separate from STDOUT log with interactive CLI
# 1 means only critical msg,
# 2 means error plus previous level,
# 3 means warning plus previous level,
# 4 means information msg plus previous level,
# 5 means debug (include decoded pkt output) plus previous level
loglevel: 2
# the keyword used to filter out log message
# only messages contains logkeyword will be logged in the log file
# empty means no filter
logkeyword: ""
# the cap size of the log file, in MB, once size exceeds the cap
# current log file will be renamed with a suffix ".prev"
# so it means myikev2 will have maximum two log files,
# each size at logfilesizecap
# this also applies if loginmem is true
# 0 means no cap
logfilesizecap: 1000
# if true, keep log message in memory,
# only write into file upon finish
# set this true while doing scale test could save some resource on logging
loginmem: false
# if ture, myikev2 will abort at 1st error;
abortonerr: false
# client role only
# starting tunnel address used by MyIKEv2
# each following tunnel will be assigned with +1 of previous tunnel address
# this could be either IPv4 or IPv6 address with prefix length. e.g. x.x.x.x/y
# for example if numberoftunnels is 3 and startclntaddr is,
# then 1st tunnel gets, 2nd gets, 3rd get
# madantory, can't be empty
startclntaddr: ""
# Enable MOBIKE(RFC4555)
mobike: false
# client role only
# the number of own tunnel address per tunnel
mobikeaddrpertunnel: 2
# gateway role only
# the number of own tunnel address for the gateway
mobikeaddrpergw: 2
# client role only
# the amount of time MyIKEv2 wait before change to next address
mobikeiplifetime: 5m0s
# client role only
# how MyIKEv2 change the address using MOBIKE
# own-only: only change own tunnel address
# peer-only: only change peer's tunnel address
# both: change both own and peer's tunnel address
mobikechangeaddrtype: own-only
# client role only
# gateway will accept incoming requests regardless its address
# IKEv2 peer's tunnel address, all tunnels created will use this peer address
# madantory, can't be empty
peeraddr: ""
# the name of Linux interface to which MyIKEv2's own tunnel addresses bind
# note: you should use a dedicate interface,
# since this interface could get flushed during initiatlization
# madantory, can't be empty
bindifname: ""
# for gateway role: this is the local tunnel address
# for client role:
# an addtional address to add on the binding interface,
# which is beside MyIKEv2's own tunnel addresses;
# this could be used to faciliate certain routing setup
# this could be either IPv4 or IPv6 address with prefix length.
# e.g. x.x.x.x/y
bindifaddr: ""
# addtioanl static route to be created to faciliate certain routing requirements;
# it should be a "ip route replace ..." command
# use "ip route replace" instead of "ip route add" to avoid failure of repeated running same command
staticroute: ""
# client role only
# the time MyIKEv2 wait before creating next tunnel
setupinterval: 100ms
# client role only
# the interval between tunnel creation retry
tunnelretryinterval: 10s
# client role only
# the max tries for a specific tunnel creation
tunnelmaxretry: 3
# client role only
# for each tunnel,
# the step MyIKEv2 will increate for address in ownts of childlist section
# for example, with owntsaddrincrease:3,
# if startaddr and endaddr in ownts config are both,
# then 1st tunnel will use as its own TS address range,
# 2nd tunnel will use as its own TS address range ...
owntsaddrincrease: 0
# client role only
# for each tunnel,
# the step MyIKEv2 will increate for address in peerts of childlist section
# see comments of owntsaddrincrease for details
peertsaddrincrease: 1
# listening address for API server
# listening port for API server
apilistenport: 12330
# flapconf are the config for tunnel flapping, client only
# enable/disable tunnel flapping
flapping: false
# number of tunnel flapping, must <= numberoftunnels
# -1 means same as numberoftunnels
numoftunnel: -1
# the interval between two dials is a random number
# between minflapinterval and maxflapinterval
# minflapinterval must >= 10s
minflapinterval: 30s
maxflapinterval: 1m0s
# poolconf is for gateway role only
# this is the address pool from which gateway assign address to peer via IKEv2 config payload
# leave it empty means no address allocation
# starting prefix of IPv4 address pool, in format of a.b.c.d/prefix_len
v4startaddr: ""
# a list of IPv4 DNS sever address
v4dnslist: []
# starting prefix of IPv6 address pool, in format Iof v6_addr/prefix_len
v6startaddr: ""
# a list of IPv6 DNS server address
v6dnslist: []
# gateway role only
# the number of half open IKE_SA that trigger IKEv2 cookie exchange
# a negative value disable the cookie exchange
numoftunneltoenablecookie: -1
# Enable repeated auth (RFC4478)
reauth: false
# gateway role only
# the amount of time peer need to do reauth
reauthlifetime: 10s
# IKE request retry interval
retraninterval: 10s
# the max tranmission of a IKE request
maxretran: 4
# a list of DH groups during IKE_SA_INIT exchange
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- 14
# enable IKEv2 fragmentation
enablefragment: false
# MTU for IKEv2 fragmentation
# note: the MTU here is max size of clear IKEv2 payloads,
# so the result IKEv2 packet after fragmentation will be bigger than this value with IKEv2 encap/encryption/IP encap overheads
mtu: 1100
# IKEv2 message reassembly timeout
reassembletimeout: 30s
# client role only
# include INITIAL_CONTACT in first IKE_AUTH request
initialcontact: true
# a list of IKE integrity Algs
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- sha256
# a list of IKE encryption Alg
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- aes-cbc:128
# a list of IKE PRF Alg
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- sha256
# IKEv2 authentication method to autenticate peer
# support following methods:
# psk: Shared Key Message Integrity Code
# rsa: RSA Digital Signature
# ecdsa-sha256-p256, ecdsa-sha384-p384, ecdsa-sha512-p521: ECDSA auth as defined in RFC4754
# digital-signature: digital signature as defined in RFC7427
# "eap" or "eap-only": EAP authentication
authpeermethod: psk
# IKEv2 authentication method to autenticate self
# (a.k.a generating own AUTH payload)
# options are same as authpeermethod,
authownmethod: psk
# client role only
# EAP authentication implementation
# eap-snoop or eap-file
eapimplementaion: eap-snoop
# client role only
# the config for eapol_test, used by eap-snoop
# could be multi-line YAML string
# "&d" in eapoltestconf will be replaced by tunnel index
eapoltestconf: ""
# client role only
# path to eapol_test binary, used by eap-snoop
eapoltestpath: /root/gowork/src/myikev2/eapol_test
# client role only
# pcap file used for EAP RADIUS Authentication
# used by eap-file
eapfile: ""
# gateway role:
# this is the shared secret for radius server
# client role:
# radius share secret for the pcap file
# used by eap-file
eapradiusss: ""
# gateway role:
# this is the address for radius server
# client role:
# listening address for local radius server
# used by eap-file
# for example, could be sth like ""
eapradiussvr: ""
# in case of client role:
# the radius attr type DUT uses to identify a EAP RADIUS auth session
# used by eap-file
# for example, could be 31 (which is Calling-Station-Id)
# in case of gateway role, gateway will insert the specified attribute with value as corresponding's IKESA's own SPI, into access-request
eapradiusid: 31
# gateway role only
# if true, the gateway sends EAP-Start to radius server at the beginning of EAP exchanges,
# otherwise, sends EAP-ID/Response with User-Name to radius server first
eapsendstart: true
# local IKEv2 ID payload, supports following:
# client-src-addr: using own tunnel address, type ID_IPV4_ADDR or ID_IPV6_ADDR
# eapol-test-conf: using identity of eapol_test config
# eapusepcap: use the user-name in 1st access-request pkt in eapfile
# cert-dn: use assigned certificate Subject, type ID_DER_ASN1_DN
# an IPv4 or IPv6 address, type ID_IPV4_ADDR or ID_IPV6_ADDR
# a RFC822 address (e.g. email addr), type ID_RFC822_ADDR
# a FQDN, type ID_FQDN
# the default type is ID_FQDN
myid: client-src-addr
# client tunnel only
# This is to configure IDr in IKE_AUTH request message
# supports following:
# peer-addr: using configured peer address
# an IPv4 or IPv6 address, type ID_IPV4_ADDR or ID_IPV6_ADDR
# a RFC822 address (e.g. email addr), type ID_RFC822_ADDR
# a FQDN, type ID_FQDN
# the default type is ID_FQDN
# if not spcified, then there is no IDr in IKE_AUTH request message
peerid: ""
# client tunnel only
# if set true, match recevied IDr in IKE_AUTH response with configured peerid
# fail the tunnel setup if they don't match
matchpeerid: false
# The path to where CA certificates are stored;
# the certificate must be in PEM format
# madantory if PKI related authentication is used
cadir: ""
# The path to where End Entitity certificates and keys are stored;
# both certficate and key file must in clear PEM format;
# the file name of certificates/keys must be same as files that generated
# End-Entity cert/key file name must follow following rules:
# * cert file name must end with ".cert"
# * key file name must end with ".key"
# * the prefix of corresponding cert and key file name must be same, for example "ee-1_myikev2.cert" and "ee-1_myikev2.key"
# madantory if PKI related authentication is used
eedir: ""
# Hash alg for digital signature (RFC7427) authentication
# this will be included in generated SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGORITHMS notification
dshashalg: sha256
# enable using RSA PSS signature, default is PKCS1.5 signature
usersapss: false
# Pre-Shared key for psk authentication
psk: ""
# if true:
# CERTREQ payload only include CAs whose filename's suffix contains "reqp"
# In addtion to signing EE cert, CERT payload from CAs whose filename's suffix contains "certp"
# if false:
# CERTREQ payload only include root CAs
# only CERT payload from signing EE cert will be sent
sendingmarkedca: false
# if initiate DPD
initiatedpd: true
# force using DPD even peer's IKEv2 msg is received
forcedpd: false
# DPD interval
dpdinterval: 30s
# IKE SA lifetime
ikelifetime: 10m0s
# amount of time when MyIKEv2 initiate IKE_SA rekey before it expires;
# for example if ikelifetime is 10 minutes, margintime is 2 minutes,
# then IKE_SA rekey will be initiated at 8 minutes
margintime: 1m0s
# when set to true, MyIKEv2 will derive in-use margintime from range (0,margintime)
jitter: true
# install CHILD_SA to fastpath if true, e.g. linux kernel;
# in case IKEv2 only tests, you could choose to set this to false,
# so that consumple less resource
installfastpath: false
# the name of interface which assigned virtual address will be attached to,
# client role only
virtualipif: lo
# MyIKEv2 will keep rekeyed CHILD SA if true;
# note: set this to true in scale test could consume more memory
keepchildhistory: false
# MyIKEv2 will keep rekeyed IKE SA if true;
# note: set this to true in scale test could consume more memory
keepikehistory: false
# client role only
# setting true to use configuration payload to request following atttributes:
ratunnel: false
# setting true to enable NAT-Travelsal
enablenatt: false
# set to true to include NO_NATS_ALLOWED notification in IKE_AUTH request and UPDATE_SA_ADDRESSES request.
disallownat: false
# the interval of sending NAT-T keepalive, setting to zero disable it
nattkeepaliveinterval: 0s
# if ture, enable ESP or UDP encap
traditionalencap: true
# if true, force to use UDP encap
tradtionalencapforceudp: false
# if ture, enable TCP encap
tcpencap: false
# own port for TCP encap
owntcpport: 4500
# peer port for TCP encap
peertcpport: 4500
# a list of CHILD SA config, could be one or mulitple set of following config
# setting tunnelmode as false to create transport mode CHILD_SA
- tunnelmode: true
# a list of CHILD SA integrity Algs
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- sha256
# a list of CHILD SA encryption Algs
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- aes-cbc:128
# CHILD SA protocol
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
protocol: esp
# CHILD SA lifetime
# note: CHILD_SA rekey will also use margintime as IKE SA
lifetime: 5m0s
# whether to use ESN
esn: false
# whether to use PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy)
pfsenabled: false
# a list of DH groups for PFS
- 14
# the size of anti-replay window
replaywindowsize: 256
# if true, use configured TS for CHILD_SA rekey, otherwise uses TS of previous CHILD_SA
useprovisionedtsforrekey: false
# Own Traffic Selector (TS) config
# IP version, v4 or v6
- type: v4
# TS protocol, 0 means any
protocol: 0
# start port of the port range
startport: 0
# end port of the port range
endport: 65535
# start address of the address range
# end address of the address range
# Peer Traffic Selector (TS) config
- type: v4
protocol: 0
startport: 0
endport: 65535
# Built-in Ping test
# if true, the first address of negotiated TSi/TSr will be used as
# src/dst address of ICMP packet
autoaddr: false
# type of ping, choice of icmp or udp
# in case of udp, myikev2 echosvr need to be used as the target
ptype: icmp
# the UDP port used by UDP ping (as both src and dst)
udpport: 9922
# if true, myikev2 will auto add ping's src address to the interface specified by virtualipif,
# can't be enabled for client remote-access tunnel
assignsrc: false
# ping dest of 1st tunnel; empty means disable whole ping test
destaddr: ""
# step increase for ping dest addr of following tunnels
deststep: 1
# ping src of 1st tunnel; empty means let OS select src
srcaddr: ""
# step increase for ping src addr of following tunnels
srcstep: 1
# interval between each ping ECHO request
interval: 1s
# interval between creating two consecutive ping tasks
setupinterval: 10ms
# size of ping; the actual IP packet size is bigger than this
pktlen: 64
# the percentage of max packet loss rate for a given task;
# generate error event if rate exceeds this value
maxlossrate: 10
# the amount of time system waits before start ping, after:
# client role: all tunnel are created
# gateway role: gateway is created
holdtime: 10s
Last modified June 21, 2023: - add 4.6 content - fix a doc bug on ExampleSetup/ (c7949fe)