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EAP Authentication

MyIKEv2 EAP authentication implementations.

MyIKEv2 doesn’t support any EAP method directly, however it support IKEv2 EAP authentication via one of following methods:

  • Client role
    • eap-file
    • eap-snoop
  • Gateway role
    • EAP authentication via RADIUS server

Client Role


eap-file works like following:

  • User need to obtain a pcap file that contains packets of a successful RADIUS EAP authentication;
  • MyIKEv2 will function as both IKEv2 EAP client and a RADIUS server as following
myikev2(As IKEv2 EAP client/peer) --- DUT (as EAP Authenticator ) --- myikev2(as RADIUS EAP server)

so this means DUT must enable EAP RADIUS feature as defined in RFC3579.

  • MyIKEv2 will extract the EAP-Message from each RADIUS packet in pcap file, and pass it through DUT via standard IKEv2 EAP authentication procedure.
    • the EAP-Message in request message in pcap file is used by MyIKEv2 as IKEv2 EAP payload to DUT
    • the response message in pcap file is used by MyIKEv2 radius server to respond to DUT

Setup eap-file

  1. Create or obtain a pcap file contains one successful radius authentication session for the EAP method you need to test. one way to create a such pcap file is to use eapol_test and freeradius (freeradius source contains eapol_test).

  2. Configure following options in “ikeconf” section of MyIKEv2 setup file:

  • authownmethod: set this to “eap” or “eap-only”
  • eapimplementaion: set this to “eap-file”
  • authpeermethod: the method used to authentication peer
  • eapfile: the path to the pcap file
  • eapradiusss: radius shared secret of eapfile; DUT also needs to use this as radius share secret
  • eapradiussvr: the listening address of radius server; DUT need to be configured to use this as radius server
  • eapradiusid: the radius attribute type in message sent by DUT to radius server that myikev2 radius server uses to uniquely identify a radius auth session in access-request;
    • it has to be unique across session, could be e.g, “44” (acct-session-id) or “31”(calling-station-id);
    • this is NOT the attribute in RADIUS request message of the pcap file, this is from DUT.
  • myid: it might be necessary to set this to EAP identity


  • for RADIUS request messages in the pcap file, only EAP-Message attribute is used, other are ignored.
  • All tunnels define in a setupfile uses same EAP messages from pcap, so they all derive same MSK
  • In case of a MyIKEv2 client with eap-file config inter-op with a MyIKEv2 gateway, make sure the gateway uses same eapradiusid as the client
  • In case of scale test, the setupinterval can’t be too small, as a rule of thumb should be >=100ms


eap-snoop works like following:

  • MyIKEv2 runs eapol_test as EAP supplicant
  • MyIKEv2 snoop/intercept the EAP message between eapol_test and IKEv2 peer
  • The actual EAP authentication is between eapol_test and IKEv2 peer

setup eap-snoop

Configure following options in “ikeconf” section of MyIKEv2 setup file:

  • authownmethod: set this to “eap”
  • eapimplementaion: set this to “eap-snoop”
  • authpeermethod: the method used to authentication peer
  • eapoltestpath: the path point to binary of eapol_test
  • eapoltestconf: the config for eapol_test; note this could be a multi-line string in YAML format; following is an example for EAP-TLS:
  eapoltestconf: |
  • myid: it is might be necessary to set this to EAP identity

Unique EAP Credential

“&d” in eapoltestconf will be replaced by tunnel index during runtime; for example “user-&d” will become “user-0” for first tunnel, “user-1” for 2nd on.

This could be used for having unique EAP credentials for each tunnel.

As a related feature, myikev2 default -t fr -frtemp <user_config_template_string> -c <count> command could be used to generate a simple freeradius users config file, which could be used for gateway side;

also setting myid to “eapol-test-conf” will change IDi to the identity value in eapoltestconf.


  • leap is not supported with eap-snoop

Example setup file for eap-snoop

This setup file uses EAP-TLS:

runningtime: 30m
abortonerr: false
numberoftunnels: 10
loglevel: 3
startclntaddr: ""
peeraddr: ""
bindifname: "enp0s10"
bindifaddr: ""
staticroute: ""
setupinterval: 100ms
owntsaddrincrease: 0
peertsaddrincrease: 0
  dhgrpid: 14
  ikeintegrityalg: sha1-96
  ikeencyptalg: aes-cbc:128
  ikeprfalg: sha1
  authpeermethod: psk
  authownmethod: eap
  eapimplementaion: eap-snoop
  eapoltestpath: /root/eapol_test
  eapoltestconf: |
  eapfile: ""
  eapradiusss: ""
  eapradiussvr: ""
  eapradiusid: 31
  myid: "ee-0_myikev2"
  cadir: ""
  eedir: ""
  dshashalg: sha256
  usersapss: false
  psk: "mypsk123"
  initiatedpd: true
  forcedpd: false
  dpdinterval: 30s
  ikelifetime: 10m0s
  margintime: 60s
  installfastpath: false
  keepchildhistory: false
  keepikehistory: false
  ratunnel: true
  enablenatt: false
  nattkeepaliveinterval: 0s
  ikev2msgmaxsize: 0
  - integrityalg: sha1-96
    encalg: aes-cbc:128
    protocol: esp
    lifetime: 5m0s
    esn: false
    pfsenabled: true
    pfsgrpid: 14
    replaywindowsize: 256
    - type: v4
      protocol: 0
      startport: 0
      endport: 65535
    - type: v4
      protocol: 0
      startport: 0
      endport: 65535

Build eapol_test

  1. download wpa_supplicant source from
  2. tar xvf wpa_supplicant-2.7.tar.gz
  3. cd wpa_supplicant-2.7/wpa_supplicant
  4. wget -O .config
  5. make eapol_test

Gateway Role

As gateway, MyIKEv2 support IKEv2 EAP authentication via a RADIUS server as speicifed by RFC3579, so the actual EAP exchange is between IKEv2 peer and RADIUS server;

gateway sends EAP-Start message to radius server upon receiving first IKE_AUTH request from client.

Following options in setup file are used in this case:

  • eapradiussvr: RADIUS sever address
  • eapradiusss: RADIUS share secret
  • eapradiusid: the radius attribute type that’s used to identify the session, gateway will insert the specified radius attribute with corresponding IKE_SA’s own SPI as value in access-request
  • eapsendstart: if true, the gateway sends EAP-Start to radius server at the beginning of EAP exchanges; otherwise, sends EAP-ID/Response with User-Name to radius server first

Other eap options in setup file are ignored;


MyIKEv2 support EAP-ONLY (RFC5998), which is enabled by setting:

  • client role: authpeermethod: eap-only
  • gateway role: authownmethod: eap-only

with EAP-Only, if peer also supports it and choose to use it, then msg-4 (IKE_AUTH response) will not contain AUTH payload; but if peer still choose to include AUTH payload in msg-4, then MyIKEv2 will verify it and fail tunnel setup if verification failed;