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MyIKEv2 is an IKEv2/IPsec testing tool for Linux.
It supports following features:
- Testing Focus:
- Simple setup: single executable with single setup file
- Orchestrated setup: multiple instances on one or multiple servers, orchestrated by a central controller
- gRPC based API support for test automation
- Capable of creating large number of concurrent IPsec tunnels; 100k tunnels tested on single 10 core Intel Xeon CPU;
- Full IPv4/IPv6 combinations support
- Both Tunnel and Transport mode support
- TCP Encapsulation support (RFC8229)
- IKEv2 implementation based on RFC7296
- Initiator and responder
- Multiple transform support
- IKE SA rekey, initiator and responder
- Child SA rekey, initiator and responder
- Cookie
- Configuration payload
- Traffic Selector
- NAT Traversal
- Repeated Authentication (RFC4478)
- IKEv2 Fragmentation (RFC7383)
- MOBIKE (RFC4555)
- Authentication:
- Certificate
- key type: RSA/ECDSA/Ed25519
- IKEv2 digital signature, RFC7427
- IKEv2 ECDSA authentication, RFC4754
- Crypto:
- Encryption: AES-CBC/AES-GCM_12/AES-GCM_16/Chaha20-Poly1305
- Integrity: MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512
- DH Grp: 1/2/5/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/31
- Built-in Ping Test
- Fastpath: linux kernel xfrm
1 - Quick start
Host Compute Resource Considerations For Scale Tests
Scale test means running large number of tunnels concurrently, it has higher compute resource requirement:
- CPU: IKEv2/IPsec is CPU intensive, multi-core is required; server class CPU like Intel Xeon is recommended
- Memory: this depends on number of SAs and SA’s lifetime; as reference, 100k tunnel with single CHILD_SA each tunnel, requires 48G memory as client role, 20G memory as gateway role;
- Storage: running MyIKEv2 typically doesn’t require significant storage; however if this could change if you have large number of tunnels AND having detail logging
- Network: make sure there is enough network I/O bandwidth between MyIKEv2 and peer for IKEv2 and data traffic; specially in case running MyIKEv2 in a VM, high performance I/O option like SR-IOV or PCI-Passthrough to NIC is recommended.
MyIKEv2 provides a single executable binary for Linux:
- download from
gzip -d myikev2.gz
chmod +x myikev2
- move it to directory of your choice;
- run it as root
MyIKEv2 requires root privilege to run.
Linux OS Setup
MyIKEv2 requires iproute2 to run
for scale test, you need to change following linux kernel settings:
- increase number of open file:
ulimit -n <xxx>
; xxx must be bigger than number of tunnels and sockets opened by MyIKEv2 (note: built-in ping opens additional sockets).
- increase UDP buffer size:
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=26214400
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=26214400
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=26214400
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=26214400
- increase ARP entries limits (run out ARP entries could cause error msg like
sendto: invalid argument
sysctl -w net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 = 10240
sysctl -w net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2 = 20480
sysctl -w net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 = 40960
sysctl -w net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 = 10240
sysctl -w net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh2 = 20480
sysctl -w net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 = 40960
- increase NIC TX/RX queue size:
ethtool -G <interface-name> tx <max-value>
ethtool -G <interface-name> rx <max-value>
note: <max-value> could be obtained via command `ethtool -g <inteface-name>`
in case of radius is used during authentication, especially EAP authentication with multiple round-trips, make sure radius server has enough computing resource and I/O resource, e.g. above I/O tweaking also need to apply to radius server.
- in case eap-file, make sure the interface where the radius server listening address is on has enough I/O.
use biggest MTU available for network link between MyIKEv2 and peer (unless you want to test fragmentation)
since v1.2, MyIKEv2 require libpcap to run; if libpcap is already installed, but you still get error msg like " error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", then just create a symbol link “” to installed file
since v1.3, eap-snoop requires eapol_test executive
Test Setup
For each test case:
- create a MyIKEv2 setup file, which contains the all configurations needed to run MyIKEv2;
myikev2 default -f <setupfilename>
generate a setup file with default value, which could be used as starting point;
- use command
myikev2 exec -f <setup_file_name>
to run the test; for details of CLI commands, refer to CLI Usage
- adding
parameter like myikev2 exec -i -f <setup_file_name>
will launch the interactive shell, where MyIKEv2 shell command could used to monitor the running test.
Note: before running IKEv2 and create IPsec tunnel, if -flush=false
is not specified, MyIKEv2 does following to facilitate test based on the settings in setup file:
- flush and add following address on specified interface
- specified tunnel address (based on
, numberoftunnels
, mobike
and mobikeaddrpertunnel
- flush address on interface lo, then add
and ::1/128
- flush the ip xfrm state/policy
- flush route table 330
- create a static route in main route table if “staticroute” is specified in the setup file
note: MyIKEv2 will also add following two ip xfrm polices before executing a test setup:
ip xfrm policy update proto udp sport 500 dport 500 dir out priority 1
ip xfrm policy update proto udp sport 500 dport 500 dir in priority 1
but if other tasks needed for the tests, user could write a shell script to do any setup/clean task.
Create Setup File
- setup is a text file in YAML format
- read setup file for documentation of all settings in setup file
- setting with default value could be omitted in setup file
Example Setup File
see Example Setup
Multiple Test Instance
Beside the running single instance as described above, MyIKEv2 also supports test setup uses multiple instances, running on a single or multiple servers, see controller doc for details
2 - Example Setup
Example setups
Example setup
client (epn0s10) —— (enp0s10) gateway
- interface: enp0s10
- Tunnel address:
- Gateway:
- Client: start from
- Virtual address pool on GW side (assign to client via Config Payload):
- prefix:
- DNS Server address list:,
- Certificate/key directory (following locations are the directory):
- client:
- CA cert: /usr/local/etc/certdb_ecdsa/client/ca
- End-Entity cert/key: /usr/local/etc/certdb_ecdsa/client/ee
- gateway:
- CA cert: /usr/local/etc/certdb_ecdsa/gw/ca
- End-Entity cert/key: /usr/local/etc/certdb_ecdsa/gw/ee
- All certificate and key files must be in clear PEM format
- End-Entity cert/key file name must follow following rules:
- cert file name must end with “.cert”
- key file name must end with “.key”
- the prefix of corresponding cert and key file name must be same, for example “ee-1_myikev2.cert” and “ee-1_myikev2.key”
- MyIKEv2 could generate cert/key in batch via command “myikev2 createpki”
Remote-Access Tunnel with Pre-shared Key
numberoftunnels: 10
startclntaddr: ""
peeraddr: ""
bindifname: "enp0s10"
psk: "pre-shared-key"
installfastpath: true
ratunnel: true
role: gateway
bindifname: "enp0s10"
bindifaddr: ""
v4startaddr: ""
v4dnslist: [,]
v6startaddr: ""
v6dnslist: []
psk: "pre-shared-key"
ikelifetime: 20m
installfastpath: true
ratunnel: true
lifetime: 60m
Remote-Access Tunnel with Certificate Authentication
numberoftunnels: 10
startclntaddr: ""
peeraddr: ""
bindifname: "enp0s10"
authpeermethod: digital-signature
authownmethod: digital-signature
cadir: "/usr/local/etc/certdb_ecdsa/client/ca"
eedir: "/usr/local/etc/certdb_ecdsa/client/ee"
installfastpath: true
ratunnel: true
role: gateway
bindifname: "enp0s10"
bindifaddr: ""
v4startaddr: ""
v4dnslist: [,]
v6startaddr: ""
v6dnslist: []
authpeermethod: digital-signature
authownmethod: digital-signature
cadir: "/usr/local/etc/certdb_ecdsa/gw/ca"
eedir: "/usr/local/etc/certdb_ecdsa/gw/ee"
installfastpath: true
ikelifetime: 20m
ratunnel: true
lifetime: 10m
Remote-Access Tunnel with EAP-MD5 Authentication
- client:
- client use eap-snoop, which uses eapol_test, see EAP document for details
- “&d” in eapoltestconf will be replace by an incrementing counter value
- myid is set to “eapol-test-conf”, which uses the identity in eapoltestconf
numberoftunnels: 10
startclntaddr: ""
peeraddr: ""
bindifname: "enp0s10"
psk: "pre-shared-key"
authpeermethod: psk
authownmethod: eap
eapimplementaion: eap-snoop
eapoltestconf: |
eapoltestpath: /root/eapol_test
myid: "eapol-test-conf"
installfastpath: true
ratunnel: true
- gateway proxy EAP exchange to external RADIUS server
- gateway uses EAP to authentication client; while client uses psk to authenticate gateway
role: gateway
bindifname: "enp0s10"
bindifaddr: ""
v4startaddr: ""
v4dnslist: [,]
v6startaddr: ""
v6dnslist: []
psk: "pre-shared-key"
ikelifetime: 20m
authpeermethod: eap
authownmethod: psk
eapradiusss: "testing123"
eapradiussvr: ""
installfastpath: true
ratunnel: true
liftime: 10m
3 - Default Setup File with Comments
MyIKEv2 setup explained
MyIKEv2 uses a YAML file as the setup file for all its configurations;
A default setup file could be generated via command “myikev2 default”;
Following is the default setup file with comments describe each option:
# This is a test setup file with default value for MyIKEv2, it is in YAML;
# see comment on top of each option for description
# note: some parameters are only applied to a specific role, as specified in comments;
# without it, it means the parameter apply to both roles
# role of the MyIKEv2
# client: tunnel initiator
# gateway: tunnel responder
role: client
# The description of the test setup, displayed at the beggging of test
desc: ""
# the duration of the test will run for
# the format is like 2h (2 hours),3m (3 minutes),5s (5 seconds)
# zero means test will run forever (10 years)
runningtime: 0s
# client role: the number of tunnels MyIKEv2 will try to create
# gateway role: the number of tunnel expect peer to create
numberoftunnels: 10
# log level: file log level;
# note: this is separate from STDOUT log with interactive CLI
# 1 means only critical msg,
# 2 means error plus previous level,
# 3 means warning plus previous level,
# 4 means information msg plus previous level,
# 5 means debug (include decoded pkt output) plus previous level
loglevel: 2
# the keyword used to filter out log message
# only messages contains logkeyword will be logged in the log file
# empty means no filter
logkeyword: ""
# the cap size of the log file, in MB, once size exceeds the cap
# current log file will be renamed with a suffix ".prev"
# so it means myikev2 will have maximum two log files,
# each size at logfilesizecap
# this also applies if loginmem is true
# 0 means no cap
logfilesizecap: 1000
# if true, keep log message in memory,
# only write into file upon finish
# set this true while doing scale test could save some resource on logging
loginmem: false
# if ture, myikev2 will abort at 1st error;
abortonerr: false
# client role only
# starting tunnel address used by MyIKEv2
# each following tunnel will be assigned with +1 of previous tunnel address
# this could be either IPv4 or IPv6 address with prefix length. e.g. x.x.x.x/y
# for example if numberoftunnels is 3 and startclntaddr is,
# then 1st tunnel gets, 2nd gets, 3rd get
# madantory, can't be empty
startclntaddr: ""
# Enable MOBIKE(RFC4555)
mobike: false
# client role only
# the number of own tunnel address per tunnel
mobikeaddrpertunnel: 2
# gateway role only
# the number of own tunnel address for the gateway
mobikeaddrpergw: 2
# client role only
# the amount of time MyIKEv2 wait before change to next address
mobikeiplifetime: 5m0s
# client role only
# how MyIKEv2 change the address using MOBIKE
# own-only: only change own tunnel address
# peer-only: only change peer's tunnel address
# both: change both own and peer's tunnel address
mobikechangeaddrtype: own-only
# client role only
# gateway will accept incoming requests regardless its address
# IKEv2 peer's tunnel address, all tunnels created will use this peer address
# madantory, can't be empty
peeraddr: ""
# the name of Linux interface to which MyIKEv2's own tunnel addresses bind
# note: you should use a dedicate interface,
# since this interface could get flushed during initiatlization
# madantory, can't be empty
bindifname: ""
# for gateway role: this is the local tunnel address
# for client role:
# an addtional address to add on the binding interface,
# which is beside MyIKEv2's own tunnel addresses;
# this could be used to faciliate certain routing setup
# this could be either IPv4 or IPv6 address with prefix length.
# e.g. x.x.x.x/y
bindifaddr: ""
# addtioanl static route to be created to faciliate certain routing requirements;
# it should be a "ip route replace ..." command
# use "ip route replace" instead of "ip route add" to avoid failure of repeated running same command
staticroute: ""
# client role only
# the time MyIKEv2 wait before creating next tunnel
setupinterval: 100ms
# client role only
# the interval between tunnel creation retry
tunnelretryinterval: 10s
# client role only
# the max tries for a specific tunnel creation
tunnelmaxretry: 3
# client role only
# for each tunnel,
# the step MyIKEv2 will increate for address in ownts of childlist section
# for example, with owntsaddrincrease:3,
# if startaddr and endaddr in ownts config are both,
# then 1st tunnel will use as its own TS address range,
# 2nd tunnel will use as its own TS address range ...
owntsaddrincrease: 0
# client role only
# for each tunnel,
# the step MyIKEv2 will increate for address in peerts of childlist section
# see comments of owntsaddrincrease for details
peertsaddrincrease: 1
# listening address for API server
# listening port for API server
apilistenport: 12330
# flapconf are the config for tunnel flapping, client only
# enable/disable tunnel flapping
flapping: false
# number of tunnel flapping, must <= numberoftunnels
# -1 means same as numberoftunnels
numoftunnel: -1
# the interval between two dials is a random number
# between minflapinterval and maxflapinterval
# minflapinterval must >= 10s
minflapinterval: 30s
maxflapinterval: 1m0s
# poolconf is for gateway role only
# this is the address pool from which gateway assign address to peer via IKEv2 config payload
# leave it empty means no address allocation
# starting prefix of IPv4 address pool, in format of a.b.c.d/prefix_len
v4startaddr: ""
# a list of IPv4 DNS sever address
v4dnslist: []
# starting prefix of IPv6 address pool, in format Iof v6_addr/prefix_len
v6startaddr: ""
# a list of IPv6 DNS server address
v6dnslist: []
# gateway role only
# the number of half open IKE_SA that trigger IKEv2 cookie exchange
# a negative value disable the cookie exchange
numoftunneltoenablecookie: -1
# Enable repeated auth (RFC4478)
reauth: false
# gateway role only
# the amount of time peer need to do reauth
reauthlifetime: 10s
# IKE request retry interval
retraninterval: 10s
# the max tranmission of a IKE request
maxretran: 4
# a list of DH groups during IKE_SA_INIT exchange
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- 14
# enable IKEv2 fragmentation
enablefragment: false
# MTU for IKEv2 fragmentation
# note: the MTU here is max size of clear IKEv2 payloads,
# so the result IKEv2 packet after fragmentation will be bigger than this value with IKEv2 encap/encryption/IP encap overheads
mtu: 1100
# IKEv2 message reassembly timeout
reassembletimeout: 30s
# client role only
# include INITIAL_CONTACT in first IKE_AUTH request
initialcontact: true
# a list of IKE integrity Algs
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- sha256
# a list of IKE encryption Alg
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- aes-cbc:128
# a list of IKE PRF Alg
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- sha256
# IKEv2 authentication method to autenticate peer
# support following methods:
# psk: Shared Key Message Integrity Code
# rsa: RSA Digital Signature
# ecdsa-sha256-p256, ecdsa-sha384-p384, ecdsa-sha512-p521: ECDSA auth as defined in RFC4754
# digital-signature: digital signature as defined in RFC7427
# "eap" or "eap-only": EAP authentication
authpeermethod: psk
# IKEv2 authentication method to autenticate self
# (a.k.a generating own AUTH payload)
# options are same as authpeermethod,
authownmethod: psk
# client role only
# EAP authentication implementation
# eap-snoop or eap-file
eapimplementaion: eap-snoop
# client role only
# the config for eapol_test, used by eap-snoop
# could be multi-line YAML string
# "&d" in eapoltestconf will be replaced by tunnel index
eapoltestconf: ""
# client role only
# path to eapol_test binary, used by eap-snoop
eapoltestpath: /root/gowork/src/myikev2/eapol_test
# client role only
# pcap file used for EAP RADIUS Authentication
# used by eap-file
eapfile: ""
# gateway role:
# this is the shared secret for radius server
# client role:
# radius share secret for the pcap file
# used by eap-file
eapradiusss: ""
# gateway role:
# this is the address for radius server
# client role:
# listening address for local radius server
# used by eap-file
# for example, could be sth like ""
eapradiussvr: ""
# in case of client role:
# the radius attr type DUT uses to identify a EAP RADIUS auth session
# used by eap-file
# for example, could be 31 (which is Calling-Station-Id)
# in case of gateway role, gateway will insert the specified attribute with value as corresponding's IKESA's own SPI, into access-request
eapradiusid: 31
# gateway role only
# if true, the gateway sends EAP-Start to radius server at the beginning of EAP exchanges,
# otherwise, sends EAP-ID/Response with User-Name to radius server first
eapsendstart: true
# local IKEv2 ID payload, supports following:
# client-src-addr: using own tunnel address, type ID_IPV4_ADDR or ID_IPV6_ADDR
# eapol-test-conf: using identity of eapol_test config
# eapusepcap: use the user-name in 1st access-request pkt in eapfile
# cert-dn: use assigned certificate Subject, type ID_DER_ASN1_DN
# an IPv4 or IPv6 address, type ID_IPV4_ADDR or ID_IPV6_ADDR
# a RFC822 address (e.g. email addr), type ID_RFC822_ADDR
# a FQDN, type ID_FQDN
# the default type is ID_FQDN
myid: client-src-addr
# client tunnel only
# This is to configure IDr in IKE_AUTH request message
# supports following:
# peer-addr: using configured peer address
# an IPv4 or IPv6 address, type ID_IPV4_ADDR or ID_IPV6_ADDR
# a RFC822 address (e.g. email addr), type ID_RFC822_ADDR
# a FQDN, type ID_FQDN
# the default type is ID_FQDN
# if not spcified, then there is no IDr in IKE_AUTH request message
peerid: ""
# client tunnel only
# if set true, match recevied IDr in IKE_AUTH response with configured peerid
# fail the tunnel setup if they don't match
matchpeerid: false
# The path to where CA certificates are stored;
# the certificate must be in PEM format
# madantory if PKI related authentication is used
cadir: ""
# The path to where End Entitity certificates and keys are stored;
# both certficate and key file must in clear PEM format;
# the file name of certificates/keys must be same as files that generated
# End-Entity cert/key file name must follow following rules:
# * cert file name must end with ".cert"
# * key file name must end with ".key"
# * the prefix of corresponding cert and key file name must be same, for example "ee-1_myikev2.cert" and "ee-1_myikev2.key"
# madantory if PKI related authentication is used
eedir: ""
# Hash alg for digital signature (RFC7427) authentication
# this will be included in generated SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGORITHMS notification
dshashalg: sha256
# enable using RSA PSS signature, default is PKCS1.5 signature
usersapss: false
# Pre-Shared key for psk authentication
psk: ""
# if true:
# CERTREQ payload only include CAs whose filename's suffix contains "reqp"
# In addtion to signing EE cert, CERT payload from CAs whose filename's suffix contains "certp"
# if false:
# CERTREQ payload only include root CAs
# only CERT payload from signing EE cert will be sent
sendingmarkedca: false
# if initiate DPD
initiatedpd: true
# force using DPD even peer's IKEv2 msg is received
forcedpd: false
# DPD interval
dpdinterval: 30s
# IKE SA lifetime
ikelifetime: 10m0s
# amount of time when MyIKEv2 initiate IKE_SA rekey before it expires;
# for example if ikelifetime is 10 minutes, margintime is 2 minutes,
# then IKE_SA rekey will be initiated at 8 minutes
margintime: 1m0s
# when set to true, MyIKEv2 will derive in-use margintime from range (0,margintime)
jitter: true
# install CHILD_SA to fastpath if true, e.g. linux kernel;
# in case IKEv2 only tests, you could choose to set this to false,
# so that consumple less resource
installfastpath: false
# the name of interface which assigned virtual address will be attached to,
# client role only
virtualipif: lo
# MyIKEv2 will keep rekeyed CHILD SA if true;
# note: set this to true in scale test could consume more memory
keepchildhistory: false
# MyIKEv2 will keep rekeyed IKE SA if true;
# note: set this to true in scale test could consume more memory
keepikehistory: false
# client role only
# setting true to use configuration payload to request following atttributes:
ratunnel: false
# setting true to enable NAT-Travelsal
enablenatt: false
# set to true to include NO_NATS_ALLOWED notification in IKE_AUTH request and UPDATE_SA_ADDRESSES request.
disallownat: false
# the interval of sending NAT-T keepalive, setting to zero disable it
nattkeepaliveinterval: 0s
# if ture, enable ESP or UDP encap
traditionalencap: true
# if true, force to use UDP encap
tradtionalencapforceudp: false
# if ture, enable TCP encap
tcpencap: false
# own port for TCP encap
owntcpport: 4500
# peer port for TCP encap
peertcpport: 4500
# a list of CHILD SA config, could be one or mulitple set of following config
# setting tunnelmode as false to create transport mode CHILD_SA
- tunnelmode: true
# a list of CHILD SA integrity Algs
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- sha256
# a list of CHILD SA encryption Algs
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
- aes-cbc:128
# CHILD SA protocol
# see for all supported crypto algorithms
protocol: esp
# CHILD SA lifetime
# note: CHILD_SA rekey will also use margintime as IKE SA
lifetime: 5m0s
# whether to use ESN
esn: false
# whether to use PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy)
pfsenabled: false
# a list of DH groups for PFS
- 14
# the size of anti-replay window
replaywindowsize: 256
# if true, use configured TS for CHILD_SA rekey, otherwise uses TS of previous CHILD_SA
useprovisionedtsforrekey: false
# Own Traffic Selector (TS) config
# IP version, v4 or v6
- type: v4
# TS protocol, 0 means any
protocol: 0
# start port of the port range
startport: 0
# end port of the port range
endport: 65535
# start address of the address range
# end address of the address range
# Peer Traffic Selector (TS) config
- type: v4
protocol: 0
startport: 0
endport: 65535
# Built-in Ping test
# if true, the first address of negotiated TSi/TSr will be used as
# src/dst address of ICMP packet
autoaddr: false
# type of ping, choice of icmp or udp
# in case of udp, myikev2 echosvr need to be used as the target
ptype: icmp
# the UDP port used by UDP ping (as both src and dst)
udpport: 9922
# if true, myikev2 will auto add ping's src address to the interface specified by virtualipif,
# can't be enabled for client remote-access tunnel
assignsrc: false
# ping dest of 1st tunnel; empty means disable whole ping test
destaddr: ""
# step increase for ping dest addr of following tunnels
deststep: 1
# ping src of 1st tunnel; empty means let OS select src
srcaddr: ""
# step increase for ping src addr of following tunnels
srcstep: 1
# interval between each ping ECHO request
interval: 1s
# interval between creating two consecutive ping tasks
setupinterval: 10ms
# size of ping; the actual IP packet size is bigger than this
pktlen: 64
# the percentage of max packet loss rate for a given task;
# generate error event if rate exceeds this value
maxlossrate: 10
# the amount of time system waits before start ping, after:
# client role: all tunnel are created
# gateway role: gateway is created
holdtime: 10s
4 - CLI Usage
MyIKEv2 CLI Usage
MyIKEv2 is command line based IKEv2/IPsec testing tool, it has following CLI commands:
MyIKEv2, an IKEv2/IPsec testing tool; Ver 4.7
= exec: execute a myikev2 test setup file
- crlf: crash log file path
- f: test setup file name
- flush: flush interface and xfrm states at the begining
- i: enable interactive CLI
- j: result formated as json
- l: license file path
- lf: log file path
- p: enable profiling, dev use only
= createpki: creates x.509v3 CA/EE certficates/keys
- c: number of EE cert/key pairs
- cadir: CA certs folder
- cakeytype: the CA key type/curve and key length, like rsa:2048, ecdsa:p-384 or ed25519
- caprefix: prefix to CA cert's subject's CN
- eedir: EE certs folder
- eekeytype: the EE key type/curve and key length, like rsa:2048, ecdsa:p-384 or ed25519
- eeprefix: prefix to EE cert's subject's CN
- l: length of CA chain
= default: export default setup or freeradius user file
= setup:
- f: export file name
= freeradius:
- c: the number of credentials
- f: export file name
- temp: freeradius user config template
default:bob&d Cleartext-Password := "bob"
= cli: connect to a myikev2 instance's interactive CLI
- svr:
= daemon: start myikev2 test daemon
- lf: log file path
- loglvl: logging level
- p: enable profiling
- listen: listening address:port
= control:
= cli: enter myikev2 controller interactive CLI
- c: config file for the controller
- lf: log file path
- o: override existing test instance
= example: create an example recipe file
= echosvr: start UDP echo server
- count: number of listening address
- port: listening port
- startip: starting listening addr
- step: step
myikev2 exec
myikev2 exec
execute the test setup file specified by -f <setup_file_path>
; test setup file is a single YAML file that defines the test, see setup file for details.
-l <license_file_path>
specifies an alternative location for license file than default location (/etc/myikev2.lic); without a valid license file, MyIKEv2 will run in trial mode;
-lf <log_file_path>
specifies log file path; default is myikev2.log
at current directory.
With -i
, an interactive shell will be opened after the setup file is loaded, which allows user to monitor running test;
With -j
, the tunnel creation result will be printed in JSON format
With -flush false
, MyIKEv2 will not flush the binding-interface and XFRM states/policy
is used for collecting MyIKEv2’s running information, used for troubleshoot MyIKEv2 itself
specifies crash log file
myikev2 exec -f testcase1.setup
: run test as defined in file testcase1.setup
myikev2 exec -f testcase1.setup -i -lf /var/log/testcase1.log
: run test as defined in file testcase1.setup
, open the interactive shell, and log to /var/log/testcase1.log
myikev2 createpki
myikev2 createpki
creates PKI keys/certificates in batch, which could be used for IKEv2 authentication testing;
Basic usage is myikev2 createpki -c <number_of key/cert> -cadir <CA_certs_dirname> -eedir <EE_certs_dirname>
, which will create following files:
-keytype {rsa:<keylen>|ecdsa:<curve>|ed25519}
is used to specify the type of key
-l <number>
is used to specify the number of sub-CA in the CA chain, by default is 1, could be 0;
myikev2 default
myikev2 default setup -f <filename>
export a default setup file to <filename>
, which could be served as starting point of a new setup file.
myikev2 default freeradius -f <filename> -c <count> -temp <template_string>
export a freeradius user config file with number of <count>
entries, by using a template string; the &d
in template string will be replaced by an increasing number start from zero; for example myikev2 default freeradius -f users -c 3 -temp "bob&d Cleartext-Password := \"bob\""
will export a users
file with following content:
bob0 Cleartext-Password := "bob"
bob1 Cleartext-Password := "bob"
bob2 Cleartext-Password := "bob"
myikev2 daemon
run MyIKEv2 as daemon, which could be controlled by a controller, see controller doc for details
myikev2 control cli
Enter MyIKEv2 controller interactive CLI, see controller doc for details
myikev2 control example
creates example controller configuration and recipe files, see controller doc for details
myikev2 echosvr
run MyIKEv2 echo server, see ping doc for details
5 - MyIKEv2 Interactive Shell
MyIKEv2 Interactive Shell
MyIKEv2 provides an interactive CLI when using -i
parameter for myikev2 exec
It provides following commands:
- log
set log level and filter keyword; log [-kw <keyword>] {-l <level>|no}
'log -l no' to disable logging
- uptime
display uptime
- quit
- psummary
Ping tasks summary
psummary [-start <start>] [-len <len>]
- clearping
clear ping stats
- dump
dump a IKE SA: dump <IKE_SA_OWN_SPI>
- list
show list of IKE SA
- listchild
list all CHILD_SA of the specified IKE_SA: listchild <ike_spi>
- dumpchild
dump specified CHILD_SA: dumpchild <child_spi>
- rekeychild
rekey specified CHILD_SA: rekeychild <child_spi>
- pool
Address pool usage
- shell
go into system shell
- stop
stop all tunnels gracefully
Command summary
prints out current running summary of MyIKEv2:
Test setup file: psk.setup
Test started at Wed, 10 Apr 2019 16:01:30 PDT
Tunnel creation started at Wed, 10 Apr 2019 16:01:34 PDT
Tunnel creation finished at Wed, 10 Apr 2019 16:01:51 PDT;
100 tunnel created; took 16.588848566s; avg 6.0281463 tunnels per second
Total number of configed tunnels: 100
IKE SA stats: 100 total, Live 100, 100 has child
Initial: 0 Created: 0
Established: 100 Rekeying: 0
Rekeyed: 0 Closing: 0
Closed: 0
Command psummary prints out current running summary of ping tasks:
Ping tasks summary:
Total tasks: 10
Total sent pkt:310 Total recvd pkt:310
Command log -l <new_level>
change current STDOUT log level (note: this is different from file log level specified in setup file)
use log -l no
to disable STDOUT logging
optional -kw <keyword>
specifies the keyword to filter log message
use log
without any parameter to display current setting
myikev2>>log -l 5 -kw 92EA3066263FCF8D
new log level is now 5
now filter log that contains '92EA3066263FCF8D'
Command uptime
prints out running time:
Current Mon, 21 Jan 2019 16:07:03 PST, Setup started at Mon, 21 Jan 2019 16:03:14 PST, running time: 3m49s
Command list
print a list SPI of existing IKE SA, it accepts two parameters:
-start <index>
: the index of first returned IKE SA
-len <number>
: the number of returned IKE SA
myikev2>>list -len 5 -start 0
following are the IKESA SPIs from 0 to 5
Command dump
prints the details of a given IKE SA by its SPI:
myikev2>>dump 5DFA8EF4CD3FE5F8
Own spi: 5DFA8EF4CD3FE5F8 Peer spi: 5DFA8EF5C308A7AC
Own addr: Peer addr:
State: established Close code: n/a
Enc Alg: aes-cbc Enc Keylen: 16
Integrity Alg: sha256 Prf Alg: sha256
Own Auth: psk Peer Auth: psk
My Id Type: IPV4_ADDR Hash Alg for DS: sha1-96
Use RSA PSS: false Psk: pre-shared-key
Initiae DPD: true Force DPD: false
DPD interval: 30s IKE lifetime: 10m0s
Rekey Margin time: 1m0s Jitter: true
Install Fastpath: true Keep CHILD_SA history: false
Keep IKE_SA history: false Enable NAT-T: false
NAT-T keepalive interval: 30s
creation time: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 12:41:26 PST
Last Rcv Pkt time: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 12:41:26 PST
Last send DPD req time: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 12:41:24 PST
SK_ei: CB07C6B318ABD9631D9DD2FB9942C3A3
SK_er: C1719A1969EC844EB80F89BF72713C1F
SK_ai: B6D3BE0C7B7789E0A256538C572F34F5CFD9255982D3DA629F79DE3966653C41
SK_ar: BF3C54610BB7D058ABD65559EEDA78C65E361267A316D2522A2277784FD79663
Command listchild <IKE_SA_SPI>
return a all CHILD_SA’s SPI of the specified IKE_SA;
myikev2>>listchild 5DFA9BD4825D0DED
Command dumpchild <CHILD_SA_sPI>
prints details of the specified CHILD_SA;
myikev2>>dumpchild 23137B18
Tunnel mode: true Parent IKESA: 5DFBC6027BDA3761
Own spi: 23137B18 Peer spi: E8B3F2C9
Own addr: Peer addr:
Enc alg: aes-cbc keylen: 128
Integrity alg: sha256 lifetime: seconds:300
ESN: false Replay Window Size: 256
creation time: Thu, 19 Dec 2019 10:48:36 PST
type:ipv4, protocol:any, addr-range: -, port-range: 0 - 65535
type:ipv4, protocol:any, addr-range: -, port-range: 0 - 65535
rekeychild <child_spi>
triggers the rekey for the specified the CHILD_SA
This command prints out the stats of specified ping tasks:
client-1>>psummary -len 10
Ping tasks summary: <-> send 682925 recv 682925, miss 0 <-> send 682925 recv 682925, miss 0 <-> send 682925 recv 682924, miss 1 <-> send 682925 recv 682923, miss 2 <-> send 682925 recv 682922, miss 3 <-> send 682925 recv 682922, miss 3 <-> send 682925 recv 682922, miss 3 <-> send 682925 recv 682922, miss 3 <-> send 682925 recv 682922, miss 3 <-> send 682925 recv 682922, miss 3
Total(showing) tasks: 10
Total(showing) Sent:6829250 Recv:6829229, Miss:21
Gloabl Sent:6829250 Recv:6829229, Miss:21
This command clears ping stats
This command drops into system shell
This command prints internal address pool usage (gateway only)
This command stops all tunnels gracefully (e.g. sending IKE delete msg to peer)
6 - IPsec Mode & Tunnel Type
IPsec mode & tunnel types supported by MyIKEv2
MyIKEv2 support both transport mode and tunnel mode, for tunnel mode, following two types of IPsec tunnel as either tunnel initiator or responder are supported:
- LAN-to-LAN (L2L) tunnel
- Remote-Access (RA) tunnel
The key difference is RA tunnel uses IKEv2 configuration payload while L2L does not.
For client role, the tunnel type is specified by value of “ratunnel” in setup file:
For gateway role, the tunnel type is based if the peer include configuration payload in IKE_AUTH request.
LAN-to-LAN Tunnel
L2L tunnel is typically used for router-to-router connection, a.k.a LAN-to-LAN;
LAN_1 --- R1 ----L2L_Tunnel --- R2 --- LAN_2
The clear traffic of L2L tunnel could come either from local host or from other hosts behind it; with above example, the clear traffic R1 forward into L2L tunnel could either come from R1 locally or from other hosts on LAN_1;
Remote-Access Tunnel
RA tunnel is typically used for road-warrior remote access, a.k.a cooperate remote-access VPN;
client --- RA_Tunnel --- VPN_GW --- Private_LAN
Client will typically request an internal address and DNS server address from VPN_GW to access Private_LAN; the assignment is done via negotiation of IKEv2 configuration payload.
Client in this case it typically a PC or a mobile device; the all clear traffic client send into RA tunnel comes from local host, and uses assigned internal address as the source address of the clear traffic; the negotiated TSi is typically the assigned_addr/32 or assigned_address/128.
Transport Mode
To use transport mode, configure childlist->tunnelmode: false
in setup file, which is a per CHILD_SA configuration.
see Fast Path
7 - Data Path
MyIKEv2 datapath
The datapath of MyIKEv2 rely on Linux kernel XFRM Framework, it uses “ip xfrm” and “ip route” command to add XFRM state/policy and corresponding routes;
Datapath is installed when “installfastpath” in setup file is set to “true”; if only IKEv2 protocol tests are required, this setting could be turned off to save resources;
MyIKEv2 use route table 330 to store all generated routes;
For TCP encap, a linux kernel >= v5.6 is required.
Datapath of Remote-Access Tunnel
Remote-Access Tunnel is where IKEv2 configuration payload is used to request IPv4/IPv6 Internal address/DNS from DUT; typical use case is road-warrior;
Following is an example of installed XFRM state/policy and route:
The example tunnel has following attributes:
- local tunnel address is, peer’s is
- negotiated TSi is (the assigned internal address)
- negotiated TSr is
- enp0s10 is the egress interface to reach peer
root@myikev2:~# ip xfrm state
src dst
proto esp spi 0x73ff0a18 reqid 1 mode tunnel
replay-window 0
auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0xf28ac369864e7d46421651fb49e753a314e40b91 96
enc cbc(aes) 0x3f21e63bdab65797b5607a4f1f4137ee
anti-replay context: seq 0x0, oseq 0x0, bitmap 0x00000000
sel src dst
src dst
proto esp spi 0xc1cac31d reqid 1 mode tunnel
replay-window 0
auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0x26e8f81adb58014aed8893fa37ec2b951768edbe 96
enc cbc(aes) 0x4feb7f5e23b1a7afe2960db37d833b3e
anti-replay context: seq 0x0, oseq 0x0, bitmap 0x00000000
sel src dst
root@myikev2:~# ip xfrm policy
src dst
dir fwd priority 0
tmpl src dst
proto esp reqid 1 mode tunnel
src dst
dir in priority 0
tmpl src dst
proto esp reqid 1 mode tunnel
src dst
dir out priority 0
tmpl src dst
proto esp spi 0xc1cac31d reqid 1 mode tunnel
root@myikev2:~# ip route list table 330 dev enp0s10 proto static scope link src
The assigned internal address is used as source address for traffic destined to
Datapath for LAN-to-LAN Tunnel
LAN-to-LAN is where IKEv2 configuration payload is not used; typical use case is to connect two routers;
Following is an example of installed XFRM state/policy and route:
The example tunnel has following attributes:
- local tunnel address is 2001:dead::1, peer’s is 2001:dead::ffff
- negotiated TSi is 2001:aaaa::1/128
- negotiated TSr is 2001:abcd::1/128
- enp0s10 is the egress interface to reach peer
root@myikev2:~# ip xfrm state
src 2001:dead::ffff dst 2001:dead::1
proto esp spi 0x3be2f2a6 reqid 1 mode tunnel
replay-window 0
auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0x9a402be9b41c0c28511b1541ae914b9446e8f2b4 96
enc cbc(aes) 0x0ac7738a8d0c72a083cef19eab042609
anti-replay context: seq 0x0, oseq 0x0, bitmap 0x00000000
sel src ::/0 dst ::/0
src 2001:dead::1 dst 2001:dead::ffff
proto esp spi 0xc6dcb76d reqid 1 mode tunnel
replay-window 0
auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0x2c408618a696a043465fe218a4404785aeb61a58 96
enc cbc(aes) 0xb0c44374d7e5a903fc78a92a691b06cf
anti-replay context: seq 0x0, oseq 0x0, bitmap 0x00000000
sel src ::/0 dst ::/0
root@myikev2:~# ip xfrm policy
src 2001:abcd::1/128 dst 2001:aaaa::1/128
dir fwd priority 0
tmpl src 2001:dead::ffff dst 2001:dead::1
proto esp reqid 1 mode tunnel
src 2001:abcd::1/128 dst 2001:aaaa::1/128
dir in priority 0
tmpl src 2001:dead::ffff dst 2001:dead::1
proto esp reqid 1 mode tunnel
src 2001:aaaa::1/128 dst 2001:abcd::1/128
dir out priority 0
tmpl src 2001:dead::1 dst 2001:dead::ffff
proto esp spi 0xc6dcb76d reqid 1 mode tunnel
root@myikev2:~# ip -6 route list table 330
2001:abcd::1 dev enp0s10 metric 1024 pref medium
In case of LAN-to-LAN tunnel, for each TS in TSr, MyIKEv2 will create a route with the smallest prefix length that covers the address range in the TS;
- currently, dual stack(IPv4 + IPv6) is not supported in a single CHILD_SA
8 - Crypto Algorithms
Crypto algorithms supported by MyIKEv2
This file list all supported MyIKEv2 crypto and its value in the test setup file
IKE SA Encryption
AES-CBC; when configure this in setup file, a key length suffix is also needed; e.g. aes-cbc:128 means AES-CBC with 128bit key length
: AES-GCM with 16 bytes authentication tag
: AES-GCM with 12 bytes authentication tag
IKE SA Integrity
: MD5
: SHA1
: SHA256
: SHA384
: SHA512
: MD5
: SHA1
: SHA256
: SHA384
: SHA512
ESP/Fastpath Encryption
AES-CBC; when configure this in setup file, a key length suffix is also needed; e.g. aes-cbc:128 means AES-CBC with 128bit key length
: AES-GCM with 16 bytes authentication tag
: AES-GCM with 12 bytes authentication tag
Diffie-Hellman Group
PKI Key Type
- with
myikev2 createpki
generated key:
- Other source:
- ECDSA with following curves:
- with
myikev2 createpki
generated key:
- Other source:
- Ed25519
9 - EAP Authentication
MyIKEv2 EAP authentication implementations.
MyIKEv2 doesn’t support any EAP method directly, however it support IKEv2 EAP authentication via one of following methods:
- Client role
- Gateway role
- EAP authentication via RADIUS server
Client Role
eap-file works like following:
- User need to obtain a pcap file that contains packets of a successful RADIUS EAP authentication;
- MyIKEv2 will function as both IKEv2 EAP client and a RADIUS server as following
myikev2(As IKEv2 EAP client/peer) --- DUT (as EAP Authenticator ) --- myikev2(as RADIUS EAP server)
so this means DUT must enable EAP RADIUS feature as defined in RFC3579.
- MyIKEv2 will extract the EAP-Message from each RADIUS packet in pcap file, and pass it through DUT via standard IKEv2 EAP authentication procedure.
- the EAP-Message in request message in pcap file is used by MyIKEv2 as IKEv2 EAP payload to DUT
- the response message in pcap file is used by MyIKEv2 radius server to respond to DUT
Setup eap-file
Create or obtain a pcap file contains one successful radius authentication session for the EAP method you need to test. one way to create a such pcap file is to use eapol_test and freeradius (freeradius source contains eapol_test).
Configure following options in “ikeconf” section of MyIKEv2 setup file:
- authownmethod: set this to “eap” or “eap-only”
- eapimplementaion: set this to “eap-file”
- authpeermethod: the method used to authentication peer
- eapfile: the path to the pcap file
- eapradiusss: radius shared secret of eapfile; DUT also needs to use this as radius share secret
- eapradiussvr: the listening address of radius server; DUT need to be configured to use this as radius server
- eapradiusid: the radius attribute type in message sent by DUT to radius server that myikev2 radius server uses to uniquely identify a radius auth session in access-request;
- it has to be unique across session, could be e.g, “44” (acct-session-id) or “31”(calling-station-id);
- this is NOT the attribute in RADIUS request message of the pcap file, this is from DUT.
- myid: it might be necessary to set this to EAP identity
- for RADIUS request messages in the pcap file, only EAP-Message attribute is used, other are ignored.
- All tunnels define in a setupfile uses same EAP messages from pcap, so they all derive same MSK
- In case of a MyIKEv2 client with eap-file config inter-op with a MyIKEv2 gateway, make sure the gateway uses same eapradiusid as the client
- In case of scale test, the
can’t be too small, as a rule of thumb should be >=100ms
eap-snoop works like following:
- MyIKEv2 runs
as EAP supplicant
- MyIKEv2 snoop/intercept the EAP message between
and IKEv2 peer
- The actual EAP authentication is between
and IKEv2 peer
setup eap-snoop
Configure following options in “ikeconf” section of MyIKEv2 setup file:
- authownmethod: set this to “eap”
- eapimplementaion: set this to “eap-snoop”
- authpeermethod: the method used to authentication peer
- eapoltestpath: the path point to binary of eapol_test
- eapoltestconf: the config for eapol_test; note this could be a multi-line string in YAML format; following is an example for EAP-TLS:
eapoltestconf: |
- myid: it is might be necessary to set this to EAP identity
Unique EAP Credential
“&d” in eapoltestconf will be replaced by tunnel index during runtime; for example “user-&d” will become “user-0” for first tunnel, “user-1” for 2nd on.
This could be used for having unique EAP credentials for each tunnel.
As a related feature, myikev2 default -t fr -frtemp <user_config_template_string> -c <count>
command could be used to generate a simple freeradius users config file, which could be used for gateway side;
also setting myid to “eapol-test-conf” will change IDi to the identity value in eapoltestconf.
- leap is not supported with eap-snoop
Example setup file for eap-snoop
This setup file uses EAP-TLS:
runningtime: 30m
abortonerr: false
numberoftunnels: 10
loglevel: 3
startclntaddr: ""
peeraddr: ""
bindifname: "enp0s10"
bindifaddr: ""
staticroute: ""
setupinterval: 100ms
owntsaddrincrease: 0
peertsaddrincrease: 0
dhgrpid: 14
ikeintegrityalg: sha1-96
ikeencyptalg: aes-cbc:128
ikeprfalg: sha1
authpeermethod: psk
authownmethod: eap
eapimplementaion: eap-snoop
eapoltestpath: /root/eapol_test
eapoltestconf: |
eapfile: ""
eapradiusss: ""
eapradiussvr: ""
eapradiusid: 31
myid: "ee-0_myikev2"
cadir: ""
eedir: ""
dshashalg: sha256
usersapss: false
psk: "mypsk123"
initiatedpd: true
forcedpd: false
dpdinterval: 30s
ikelifetime: 10m0s
margintime: 60s
installfastpath: false
keepchildhistory: false
keepikehistory: false
ratunnel: true
enablenatt: false
nattkeepaliveinterval: 0s
ikev2msgmaxsize: 0
- integrityalg: sha1-96
encalg: aes-cbc:128
protocol: esp
lifetime: 5m0s
esn: false
pfsenabled: true
pfsgrpid: 14
replaywindowsize: 256
- type: v4
protocol: 0
startport: 0
endport: 65535
- type: v4
protocol: 0
startport: 0
endport: 65535
Build eapol_test
- download wpa_supplicant source from
- tar xvf wpa_supplicant-2.7.tar.gz
- cd wpa_supplicant-2.7/wpa_supplicant
- wget -O .config
- make eapol_test
Gateway Role
As gateway, MyIKEv2 support IKEv2 EAP authentication via a RADIUS server as speicifed by RFC3579, so the actual EAP exchange is between IKEv2 peer and RADIUS server;
gateway sends EAP-Start message to radius server upon receiving first IKE_AUTH request from client.
Following options in setup file are used in this case:
- eapradiussvr: RADIUS sever address
- eapradiusss: RADIUS share secret
- eapradiusid: the radius attribute type that’s used to identify the session, gateway will insert the specified radius attribute with corresponding IKE_SA’s own SPI as value in access-request
- eapsendstart: if true, the gateway sends EAP-Start to radius server at the beginning of EAP exchanges; otherwise, sends EAP-ID/Response with User-Name to radius server first
Other eap options in setup file are ignored;
MyIKEv2 support EAP-ONLY (RFC5998), which is enabled by setting:
- client role:
authpeermethod: eap-only
- gateway role:
authownmethod: eap-only
with EAP-Only, if peer also supports it and choose to use it, then msg-4 (IKE_AUTH response) will not contain AUTH payload; but if peer still choose to include AUTH payload in msg-4, then MyIKEv2 will verify it and fail tunnel setup if verification failed;
10 - MOBIKE (RFC4555)
MyIKEv2 MOBIKE (RFC4555) implementations.
MyIKEv2 supports MOBIKE (IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming Protocol, RFC4555) as either tunnel initiator or tunnel responder;
The support includes:
- change own tunnel address
- change peer’s tunnel address
- change both own and peer’s tunnel address
- Accept peer updates of its tunnel address
- Fastpath support
client role:
There are following settings in setup file for MOBIKE
- mobike: set to true to enable MOBIKE
- mobikeaddrpertunnel: the number of own tunnel address for each tunnel
- mobikeiplifetime: the amount of time MyIKEv2 wait before change to next address
- mobikechangeaddrtype: own-only|peer-only|both; own-only only change own address, peer-only only changes peer address; both changes both own and peer address
- ikesa->disallownat: set to true to include NO_NATS_ALLOWED notification in IKE_AUTH request and UPDATE_SA_ADDRESSES request.
gateway role:
There are following settings in setup file for MOBIKE
- mobike: set to true to enable MOBIKE
- mobikeaddrpergw: the number of own tunnel address for the gateway
How does it work (client role)?
Once enabled, MyIKEv2 will change its own address and/or peer’s address (based on mobikechangeaddrtype) every mobikeiplifetime;
The mobikeaddrpertunnel specifies how many own address each tunnel has, the addresses are allocated for each tunnel as following:
- for example, if startclntaddr is “”, and mobikeaddrpertunnel is 3, then 1st tunnel get 3 addresses:,,; 2nd tunnel get 3 addresses:,,; and so on …
The available peer’s tunnel addresses are peeraddr in setup file plus the addresses signed by peer via ADDITIONAL_IP4_ADDRESS and ADDITIONAL_IP6_ADDRESS Notify Payloads, in IKE_AUTH response and peer initiated information request.
How does MyIKEv2 pick next address (client role)?
This depends on mobikechangeaddrtype:
- own-only: next address in own address list, which is specified by startclntaddr and mobikeaddrpertunnel
- peer-only: next address in the latest available peer address list, which is the current in-using peer address plus address signed by peer
- both: the next combination of own address list and latest peer address list
How does it work (gateway role)?
MOBIKE address change is driven by tunnel initiator, so as tunnel responder, MyIKEv2 only respond to peer’s address change request.
Linux Reverse Path Filter
Reverse path filtering is a mechanism supported by the Linux kernel to check whether a receiving packet comes in via right interface. the purpose is to prevent address spoofing used in DoS attack;
However with MOBIKE, in certain test setup, with address change, the IPsec packet might come in via a different interface, which will fail reverse path checking, and depends on kernel setting, the packets might get dropped;
So to simplify the test setup, user could choose to disable reverse path filter in Linux as following:
Disable Linux IPv4 Reverse Path Filtering
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.<inteface1-name>.rp_filter=0
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.<inteface2-name>.rp_filter=0
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
Disable Linux IPv6 Reverse Path Filtering
ip6tables -t raw -A PREROUTING -m rpfilter -j ACCEPT
ip6tables -t raw -A PREROUTING -m rpfilter --invert -j ACCEPT
11 - Built-in Ping test
MyIKEv2 has a built-in ping test feature; MyIKEv2 could automatically start ping sessions after tunnels are created, the ping session will keep running until test finishes, then reports number of packets sent/received.
The number of ping sessions is determined by:
- client role: the number of successfully created IPsec tunnels
- gateway role: numberoftunnels in setup file
Ping test is enabled by setting destaddr
in pingconf
section of setup file:
autoaddr: false
ptype: icmp
udpport: 9922
destaddr: ""
deststep: 1
srcaddr: ""
srcstep: 1
interval: 1s
pktlen: 64
maxlossrate: 10
holdtime: 10s
- autoaddr: if set as true, then src/dst address of ICMP ECHO request will be the first address in TSi/TSr address range
- ptype: type of ping, icmp or udp; refer to below section for details of UDP
- udpport: UDP port in case of UDP ping, used as both src and dst
- destaddr: the ping destination for 1st tunnel
- deststep: the number of step increase for destination addr of each following tunnel; for example with above config, 2nd tunnel’s ping destination is, 3rd tunnel is …
- srcaddr: specifies the ping source address for 1st tunnel; if empty, it means it let OS automatically select source; leave empty for RA tunnel
- srcstep: the number of step increase for src addr of each following tunnel; only applies when srcaddr is not empty
- interval: interval between send ping ECHO request
- setupinterval: interval between creating two consecutive ping tasks; shouldn’t be too small in scale test to avoid all ping task sending at the same time.
- pktlen: the size of ping packet send; note: the actual IP pkt size is bigger than this, since this only specifies ping payload size.
- maxlossrate: the max allowed packet loss rate in percentage, a float number between 0-100; if the packet loss rate exceed this value, then an error event will be generated;
- holdtime: the amount of time system waits before start ping, after all tunnel are created (as client role) or gateway is created (as gateway role)
UDP Ping
To use UDP ping, myikev2 echo server need to be running as ping target, which will reflect received UDP packet back to the sender.
myikev2_udp_ping <---------> myikev2_echo_svr
echo server could be started vi command myikev2 echosvr
= echosvr: start UDP echo server
- count: number of listening address
- port: listening port
- startip: starting listening addr
- step: step
the echo server listening one or multiple addresses with the specified port, the step specifies delta between two consecutive addresses, for example command myikev2 echosvr -startip -count 3 -port 3344 -step 2
will create a server listening on 3 addresses, and with listening port 3344.
note: echo server will automatically add listening addresses to interface lo, so user doesn’t need to add them manually, it also means using this command requires root privilege.
There are following shell CLI commands relate to ping test:
The built-in ping is currently not designed for big load testing, which could cause inaccurate result, specially icmp ping.
12 - Tunnel Flapping Test
Tunnel flapping is a IKEv2 stress testing feature allows user to specify a number of client tunnels doing following step:
- Tunnel is created for the 1st time
- wait a interval
- remove the tunnel and re-establish it, Goto Step-2
This feature is configured by flapconf
section in setup file:
# enable/disable tunnel flapping
flapping: false
# number of tunnel flapping, must <= numberoftunnels
# -1 means same as numberoftunnels
numoftunnel: -1
# the interval between two dials is a random number between minflapinterval and maxflapinterval
# minflapinterval must >= 10s
minflapinterval: 30s
maxflapinterval: 1m0s
13 - MyIKEv2 Daemon & Controller
scale out MyIKEv2 to multiple instance, orchestrated by a controller.
Some test cases could require running multiple MyIKEv2 instances on one or multiple servers; one example is large scale test, where multiple MyIKEv2 test instances on multiple server are needed; MyIKEv2 supports such test case in a simple and orchestrated way by using MyIKEv2 daemon and controller;
--- SVR1[daemon --> MyIKEv2_Instance_1,MyIKEv2_Instance_2 ...]
controller ---- |--- SVR2[daemon --> MyIKEv2_Instance_3,MyIKEv2_Instance_4 ...]
--- SVR3[daemon --> MyIKEv2_Instance_5,MyIKEv2_Instance_6 ...]
- MyIKEv2 Daemon: a daemon process running on a given server, it manages (like creating/stoping ..etc) MyIKEv2 instances by accepting API calls from the MyIKEv2 controller; there is only one daemon process per server;
- MyIKEv2 Controller: the controller to control all daemons, it manages the test cases by by controlling the daemon processes on each server; only one controller globally is required;
- Recipe: a YAML file specified by user, which defines the test case that could be launched by using the interactive CLI of controller; each recipe defines one or multiple MyIKEv2 instances;
- MyIKEv2 Instance: a instance is a “myikev2 exec” instance running in its own Linux network namespace, which means each instance has its own interfaces, route table and xfrm policy/states, the instance and its namespace is created by the daemon
Network Provisioning
Before using this feature, there are some network plumbing work to do, which include provision of:
- Management Networking: networking for controller <-> daemon message, and daemon <-> instances message
- Data Networking: networking for actual IPsec/IKE packets of MyIKEv2 instances
Management Networking
- For each server, user needs to specify a IPv6 prefix in control’s config file, and each myikev2 instance will get a management IP address within that prefix.
- user need to provision routing between controller and each server so that these management prefix are reachable from controller
- auto assigning could be disable by set
to false in controller’s config file; if disabled, then each instance’s managment is specified by apilistenaddr
in instance’s setup file.
- On each server, daemon will create a bridge: myikev2mgmtbrg
- For each myikev2 instance, a pair of veth interfaces are created by daemon, one end is attached to myikev2mgmtbrg, the other end is assigned to the instance’s namespace; daemon also attaches the instance’s management address to the veth interface in the namespace ;
- daemon creates a default route in the namespace with nexthop as the veth if
- daemon creates a host route for each instance in base namespace with nexthop as the myikev2mgmtbrg
- there is no address needed on bridge if and veth if in the base
Data Networking
For actual IKEv2/IPsec traffic, user need to have an interface for each namespace that provides connectivity needed for the test case; the interface is specified by bindifname
in the MyIKEv2 setup file; daemon will move the interface into the instance’s namespace when creating the MyIKEv2 instance.
There are following type of configuration files are needed:
- Controller’s config file
- Recipe: one per test case
- Setup: one per MyIKEv2 instance in the recipe
Controller Configuration
Controller configuration file is a YAML file contains following parts:
: a dictionary, key is the svr/daemon name, value is a struct:
: daemon’s listening address
: daemon’s listening port
: server’s SSH address
: server’s SSH port
: server’s SSH username
: server’s SSH password
: user ssh private key path
: the IPv6 prefix for auto assigning instance’s management IP
: a dictionary, key is the variable name, value is the variable value; the variable defined here could be used in command strings (like setupcmds
and cleancmds
) in recipe;
: boolean, true or false;
Following is an example:
daemonport: 12240
sshport: 22
sshuser: root
sshpass: passwd123
sshkeypath: ""
mgmtaddrprefix: 2001:dead:1::/64
daemonport: 12240
sshport: 22
sshuser: root
sshpass: passwd123
sshkeypath: ""
mgmtaddrprefix: 2001:dead:2::/64
'%DIRPREFIX%': /root/testcases
autoassignmgmtip: false
Recipe is a YAML file defines a test case, contains following:
: the name of the test case
: a list of shell commands run before running the test case, each is a struct contains following:
: name of daemon that command will be running on
: a string contains one or multiple shell commands, separated by ;
: a list of shell command run after test case ended, same structure as setupcmds
: a dictionary defines all test instances, key is the instance ID, an integer; value a struct contains:
: name of instance
: name of daemon that the test instance will be running on
: wait amount of time before starting the the instance
: a struct specifies the instance is a MyIKEv2 instance, contains:
: the path to the MyIKEv2 setup file
: the path to save the MyIKEv2 log
: a struct specifies a non-MyIKEv2 instance, could be used to start a 3rd party application, like strongswan
: setup commands, a string contains one or multiple shell commands, separated by ;
: startup commands, a string contains one or multiple shell commands, separated by ;
: stop commands, a string contains one or multiple shell commands, separated by ;
: the interface name of data traffic
: the IP address to attached to the dataif
- note: for a given instance, either
or other
needs to specified, but not both
following is an example:
name: Example MyIKEv2 Recipe
- daemonname: svr1
cmds: cmd-1;cmd-2
- daemonname: svr2
cmds: cmd-3;cmd-4
cleancmds: []
name: test-1_client
daemonname: svr1
waitinterval: 3s
setuppath: testc.setup
logdir: ""
other: null
name: test-1_gateway
daemonname: svr2
waitinterval: 3s
myikev2: null
setupcmds: ""
upcmds: ipsec up
destroycmds: ""
dataif: eth1
- create all the configuration files on controller server
- provision networking as described above
- run
myikev2 daemon -listen <addr:port>
on each daemon server
- run
myikev2 control cli -c <config_file>
on controller server to start the interactive controller CLI
- use the controller CLI to manage the test case
Controller CLI
Controller interactive CLI provides following commands:
def -f <recipe_file_name>
: start a test case specified by using a recipe file
list [-d <daemon_name>]
: list launched test instance
cli -t <instance_name>
: connect to a MyIKEv2 instance’s CLI
: drop into a system shell
clearping [-t <instance_name>]
: reset specified MyIKEv2 instance’s ping stats; if instance_name is not specified, then clear all MyIKEv2 instance’s ping stats
= stop [-g <true|false>] -t <instance_name>
: stop a specified instance; gracefully stop a MyIKEv2 instance when -g=true
14 - MyIKEv2 API
MyIKEv2 provides two set of gRPC based APIs, 3rd party gRPC client could be developed with protobuf file in this doc.
- MyIKEv2 API: this API is used to control MyIKEv2 test instance
- MyIKEv2 Daemon API: this API is used to control MyIKEv2 daemon instance
MyIKEv2 Test API
- getting running summary of MyIKEv2
- getting running summary of ping tasks
- clear ping stats
- list created IKE_SA
- dump a specified IKE_SA
- list CHILD_SA of a specified IKE_SA
- dump a specified CHILD_SA
- subscribe to MyIKEv2 events,with specified event filter
- stop MyIKEv2
- subscribe to MyIKEv2 final test result
- initiate CHILD_SA rekey
The listening address and port of API server could be configured via following options in setup file:
- apilistenaddr
- apilistenport
note: currently, MyIKEv2 API server doesn’t support gRPC encryption/authentication;
The protobuf file:
// MyIKEv2 API
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "myikev2/api";
package api;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
message Empty {}
//************** summary
message SummaryResp {
uint32 Role =22; //1 is client, 2 is is gateway
google.protobuf.Timestamp StartTime = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp TestEndTime = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp ActualTestEndTime = 26;
google.protobuf.Timestamp CreationStartTime = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp CreationFinishTime = 4;
google.protobuf.Duration CreateDuration = 5;
string SetupFileName = 6;
uint32 NumOfCreatedTunnel = 7;
float SetupRate = 8;
uint64 Ikesa_state_init = 9;
uint64 Ikesa_state_created = 10;
uint64 Ikesa_state_established = 11;
uint64 Ikesa_state_updatingaddr = 12;
uint64 Ikesa_state_rekeying = 13;
uint64 Ikesa_state_rekeyed = 14;
uint64 Ikesa_state_closed = 15;
uint64 Ikesa_state_closing = 16;
uint64 Ikesa_state_dpd = 24;
uint64 Ikesa_state_child_rekeying = 25;
uint64 Ikesa_total = 17;
uint64 Live_count = 18;
uint64 Has_Child = 19;
uint64 Created_live_count = 20;
uint64 Configured_count = 21;
uint64 Flapping_count = 23;
uint32 Result = 27;
string LastErrMsg = 28;
//************** get list of IKESA own SPI
message ListIKESAQuery {
uint32 Start = 1; // start from zero
uint32 Len = 2; // 0 means return all
message IKESASummary {
bytes PeerAddr = 1;
uint32 PeerPort = 2;
fixed64 OwnSPI = 3;
uint32 State = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp EstabTime = 5;
message ListIKESAResp { repeated IKESASummary SummaryList = 1; }
//************** get a list of all CHILD_SA own SPI of a given IKE_SA
message ListCHILDSAQuery {
fixed64 IKEOwnSPI = 1;
message ListCHILDSAResp { repeated fixed32 OwnSPIList = 1; }
//************** dump CHILD_SA
message CHILDSAQuery { fixed32 OwnSPI = 1; }
message CHILDSADump {
uint32 State = 1;
fixed32 OwnSPI = 2;
fixed32 PeerSPI = 3;
bytes OwnAddr = 4;
bytes PeerAddr = 5;
fixed64 ParentIKESA = 6;
google.protobuf.Timestamp EstabTime = 7;
uint32 EncAlg = 8;
uint32 KeyLen = 9;
uint32 IntAlg = 10;
google.protobuf.Duration LifeTime = 11;
bytes SKei = 12;
bytes SKer = 13;
bytes SKai = 14;
bytes SKar = 15;
bool ESN = 16;
bool TunnelMode = 17;
uint32 ReplayWindowSize = 18;
message TS {
uint32 Type = 1;
uint32 Protocol = 2;
bytes StartAddr = 3;
bytes EndAddr = 4;
uint32 StartPort = 5;
uint32 EndPort = 6;
repeated TS OwnTS = 19;
repeated TS PeerTS = 20;
//************** dump IKE_SA
message IKESAQuery { fixed64 OwnSPI = 1; }
message IKESADump {
uint32 State = 1;
fixed64 OwnSPI = 2;
fixed64 PeerSPI = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp EstabTime = 4;
bytes OwnAddr = 5;
bytes PeerAddr = 6;
uint32 PeerPort = 36;
uint32 EncAlg = 7;
uint32 KeyLen = 8;
uint32 IntAlg = 9;
uint32 PrfAlg = 10;
uint32 OwnAuth = 11;
uint32 PeerAuth = 12;
uint32 MyIdType = 13;
int32 HashAlgDS = 14;
bool RSAPSS = 15;
string PSK = 16;
bool InitiateDPD = 17;
bool ForceDPD = 18;
google.protobuf.Duration DPDInterval = 19;
google.protobuf.Duration LifeTime = 20;
google.protobuf.Duration MarginTime = 21;
bool Jitter = 35;
bool InstallFastpath = 22;
bool KeepChildHist = 23;
bool KeepIKEHist = 24;
bool EnableNATT = 25;
google.protobuf.Duration NATTKeepaliveInterval = 26;
google.protobuf.Timestamp LastRcvPktTime = 28;
google.protobuf.Timestamp LastSendDPDTime = 29;
bytes SKei = 30;
bytes SKer = 31;
bytes SKai = 32;
bytes SKar = 33;
uint32 CloseCode = 34;
//************** log
message EventFilter {
uint32 Level=1;
string keyword=2;
message MyIKEv2Event {
uint32 Level =1;
string Msg=2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp EventTime=3;
//************** ping stats request
message PingResultQuery {
uint32 Start = 1; // start from zero
uint32 Len = 2; // 0 means return all
//*************** ping task stats
message PingResult {
string LocalAddr =1;
string RemoteAddr =2;
uint64 TotalSentPkt=3;
uint64 TotalRecvPkt=4;
message ListPingResult {
repeated PingResult ResultList = 1;
uint64 TotalSent = 2;
uint64 TotalRecv =3;
//*************** Gateway address pool summary
message PoolUsageSummary {
bytes V4StartAddr=1;
bytes V6StartAddr=2;
uint64 V4Assigned=3;
uint64 V6Assigned=4;
message StopReq { bool Gracefully = 1; }
//*************** rekey child
message RekeyChildReq {
fixed32 OwnSPI=1;
service MyIKEv2APISvc {
rpc Stop(StopReq) returns (Empty);
rpc GetSummary(Empty) returns (SummaryResp);
rpc GetIKESA(IKESAQuery) returns (IKESADump);
rpc ListIKESA(ListIKESAQuery) returns (ListIKESAResp);
rpc ListCHILDSA(ListCHILDSAQuery) returns (ListCHILDSAResp);
rpc GetCHILDSA(CHILDSAQuery) returns (CHILDSADump);
rpc SubscrEvent(EventFilter) returns (stream MyIKEv2Event);
rpc UpdateEventFilter(EventFilter) returns(Empty);
rpc GetPingSummary(PingResultQuery) returns(ListPingResult);
rpc ClearPingStats(Empty) returns (Empty);
rpc GetPoolUsageSummary(Empty) returns(PoolUsageSummary);
rpc NotifyFinalResult(Empty) returns (stream SummaryResp);
rpc RekeyChild(RekeyChildReq) returns (Empty);
MyIKEv2 Daemon API
// MyIKEv2 daemon API
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "myikev2/daemonapi";
package daemonapi;
import "myikev2/api/api.proto";
message Empty {}
message DefineMyIKEv2TestReq {
string Setup=1;
string LogDir=2;
//for non-myikev2 test, like sswan
message DefineOtherTestReq {
string SetupCMDs=1;
string UpCMDs=2;
string DestroyCMDs=3;
string DataIf=4;
string DataIfAddr=5; //this is a prefix
message DefineGenericTestReq {
uint32 Type = 1; //1 myikev2, 2 other
string Name = 2;
DefineMyIKEv2TestReq MyIKEv2Test = 3;
DefineOtherTestReq OtherTest =4;
bool Override = 5;
message StatusReq {
string Name = 1;
message StatusResp {
uint32 State = 1;
message ListTestStatusEntry {
string Name = 1;
uint32 Type =2;
bytes APIAddr =3;
uint32 APIPort =4;
api.SummaryResp Status =5;
api.ListPingResult PingResults = 6;
message ListTestStatusResp {
repeated ListTestStatusEntry results = 1;
message DestroyReq {
string Name = 1;
bool Gracefully =2;
message ClearPingStatsReq {
string Name =1;
service MyIKEv2DaemonAPISvc {
rpc Define(DefineGenericTestReq) returns (Empty);
rpc Status(StatusReq) returns (StatusResp);
rpc List(Empty) returns (ListTestStatusResp);
rpc Destroy(DestroyReq) returns (Empty);
rpc ClearPingStats(ClearPingStatsReq) returns (Empty);
15 - MyIKEv2 License
MyIKEv2 require a valid license file, without it, it will run in trial mode, which has following limitations:
- max number of tunnels is limited to 10
- max running time is limited to 30 minutes
Provision License File
By default, MyIKEv2 expects license file to be as /etc/myikev2.lic; however this could be overridden by -l
parameter as myikev2 exec -f <setupfile> -l <licensefile>
16 - Change Logs
What’s new?
ver 4.7 1/26/2024
- reworked CLI and YAML file support
- adding HASH_ALG_NOTIFY value output in debug
- fix a bug when reply to CHILD_SA rekey in transport mode, the USE_TRANSPORT notify is missing
- now HASH_ALG notify debug output shows actual ALG name
- now when receiving a IKE packet contains non-ESP marker on conn where NAT is not enabled is supported
- now GW sendIKESAINITResp use the the conn to send response same as where the request is received
- fix dshash related bug
- fix pfs group related bugs
- fix a bug where MyIKEv2 fragment IKE_SA_INTI pkt, which is not suppose to do
ver 4.6 4/14/2023
- no longer require libpcap or a specific version of glibc
- fix a bug of eap-file
- fix some bugs on fastpath
ver 4.5 2/27/2022
- add peerid/matchpeerid for client tunnel
ver 4.42 11/25/2022
- fix a bug that might cause CHILD_SA rekey fail on fastpath in scale test
- add setupinterval configuration for ping
ver 4.41 11/25/2022
- fix a memory leak bug when using UDP ping in scale test
ver 4.4 11/22/2022
- add UDP ping
- enhanced client eap-file, and gateway EAP implementations, more stable and performant
ver 4.3 11/18/2022
- improve performance of netlink based fastpath
- fix a bug cause wrong eapradiusss could cause loading radius pcap to panic
- change default test running time to 10 min
ver 4.22 10/27/2022
- fix a bug that could cause logging to stop by certain formatted payload
ver 4.21 10/17/2022
- change default IKEv2 fragmentation MTU to 1100
ver 4.2 10/5/2022
- use netlink as most of fastpath API calls, which increase the fastpath setup performance
- fix some bugs related to eapsnoop
- RA client IKE_AUTH request now include CFG_ATTR_INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK
ver 4.0 8/30/20222
- Support multiple SA proposals for IKE and CHILD SA
- add TCP encap support RFC8229
- add support INVALID_KE notification for tunnel responder
- change EAP support for gateway to use EAP-start
- add force using UDP encap
- rewrite NAT detection related code
- now client reauth will wait for all IKE_SA deletion finish before start new dial
- many bug fixes
ver 3.0 03/09/2021
- Add myikev2 daemon & controller support, controller could create tests based on a user specified recipe on multiple machines or multiple name spaces on same machine; see documentation for details;
- Add support for IPsec transport mode
- Add support for RFC4754, IKE and IKEv2 Authentication Using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
- Add tunnel flapping, which keep flapping tunnels up and down, could be used for stress testing
- Add crash log file
- Enhance ping test
- varies other enhancements and bug fixes
ver 2.0 12/19/2019
- Add tunnel responder support (IPsec gateway); support all existing MyIKEv2 features
- Add ed25519 support
- Add unique EAP credential per tunnel support for eap-snoop mode
- Add auto generating ping src/dst address based on traffic selector
- refined log support, fixed out-of-order issue
- now allowing omit default config in ikeconf and pingconf
- add jitter for rekey
- add API/interactive-CLI for list and dump CHILD_SA
- fixed some rekey bugs
- Fixed many bugs, more efficient memory usage and better stability in large scale tests
ver 1.7 7/6/2019
- add gRPC based API support, see doc for detail
- add maxlossrate setting for built-in ping
- add psummary interactive command (show summary of ping results)
- fixed a bug of built-in ping
ver 1.6, 5/19/2019
- Add MOBIKE (RFC4555) , include fastpath support, see doc for detail
- Add built-in Ping test, see doc for detail
- Add “desc” setting in setup file
ver 1.52, 4/28/2019
- fixed a bug that cases issues on LAN-to-LAN tunnel’s fastpath
ver 1.51, 4/25/2019
- fixed a bug that causes fastpath stop working after CHILD_SA rekey
ver 1.5, 4/24/2019
- add IKEv2 fragmentation reassembly part, now the feature is completed
- EAP only auth (RFC5998)
- New crypto:
- ChaCha20/Poly1305(RFC 7634), for both IKEv2 and fastpath
- curve25519 (dhgrp 31)
- IKEv2 Repeated Authentication (RFC4478)
- add IKEv2 initial_contact support
- Some bug fixes
ver 1.4, 4/10/2019
- Now support 100K tunnels on a single socket 10 core Xeon CPU (E5-2650 v3), tested under following setup:
- HyberThreading enabled
- MyIKEv2 runs in a centos 7 VM (Qemu/KVM), with following resource allocated to VM:
- 17 HT cores
- 80G memory
- A dual port 10GE NIC (Intel 82599ES) via PCI-Passthrough
- Key MyIKEv2 Config:
- auth: psk
- crypto: aes-cbc-128 and sha1, DH Grp 14, PFS enabled
- lifetime: IKE 30min, CHILD 15min (MyIKEv2 is the rekey initiator)
- DPD: enabled, interval 30s
- Memory Consumption:
- After all tunnels created, memory Consumption is less than 56G
- Add in-memory logging; enabled via by setting “loginmem” to true in setup file; if enabled, MyIKEv2 will keep logging msg in memory util test finish, it then write logs into file
- Tunnel retry interval and max retry are now configurable via “tunnelretryinterval” and “tunnelmaxretry” in setup file; this is the time MyIKEv2 wait before retry if previous tunnel creation failed
- IKE request re-tranmission interval and max retry are now configurable via “retraninterval” and “maxretran” in setup file;
- Test result output has been enhanced, setup rate has been added, with option to use JSON format with “-j” command parameter
- adding first phase support of IKEv2 fragment (RFC7383), only fragmentation is supported in this release